Barry, Eagle, and a few others are NOT included in this pack. The updates include 3D faces for all of the models and resolved compatibility issues. WildNorWester has released most of his models updated to work with Trainz: A New Era and Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019.In fact, all the models can be downloaded cause WildNorWester3D has closed. Were pleased to tell you that the pack also features the work of Chris Barnes.
Bring the worlds most famous steam locomotive to life with our full and incredibly realistic set of sounds for Flying Scotsman, as it was back in the 1960s, owned by the late Alan Pegler, running with the double tender. For reasons undisclosed to the public, WildNorWester has chosen not to release Barry the Rescue Engine, The Foreign Engine, the Diesel from Bowled Out, Lincoln, and Bert (the brickworks engine), but they can still be downloaded thanks to the wayback machine as well as the original Alice, Oliver, Donald and Douglas, and Bear (not recommended as the models are meant to be private). Flying Scotsman Sound Pack - Pegler Edition.Flying Scotsman (Available on both WNW3D & Sodor Workshops).Donald & Douglas the Scottish Twin Engines (Remastered for the third time).

The Peel Godred Electric Engines (Remastered).Mavis the Quarry Diesel (Remastered Twice).Bear the Hymek Diesel (Remastered Twice).Sheffield/Sixteen the Steelworks Engine.Oliver the Little Western Engine (Remastered Twice).